Gunsmith Services:
Enhancements/Upgrades, and
Scope mounting, bore sighting, and more...
Enhancements/Upgrades, and
Scope mounting, bore sighting, and more...
Common services/repairs: * not in any specific order, not all inclusive
- Services:
- 1) Cleaning and lubrication
- 2) Bore sighting
- 3) Scope ring lapping, mounting, and zeroing
- 4) Re-bluing
- 5) Machining - tapping, drilling, or threading
- 6) Recoil pad installation
- 7) Install muzzle breaks
- 8) Wood furniture finishing
- Repairs:
- 1) Failure to fire
- 2) Trigger spring or parts breakage
- 3) Broken extractor / extraction failures
- 4) Slam fire - firing more than a single shot with trigger pull
- 5) Broken locking pin
- 6) Feed failures